

We need to refresh his mission, to reestablish the real dimension of the Iranian Call (da‘wah) for universal Revolution. And that concerns everybody on the planet, every entity in the whole cosmic structure. It is a call for men, women, animals, plants, elements, for angels and demons. It is the call for the Great Zuhur,  and  we need to reopen this hidden dimension of the Iranian Revolution.

I consider that a sign of the Great Awakening – not only for Muslims - that was addressed to all of us. But each culture should find the proper way to translate this Call (da‘wah). It is not just about literal translation – to translate the Call (da‘wah) is not the same as to translate a text. We need to translate the Iranian Revolution as the Event (Ereignis) in Heideggerian sense. So, we have the Event but we still need its correct interpretation.

Speech on the 40 anniversary of Iranian Revolution (2020, Karaj/Alborz)

We should stand together with the awakened Iranians, awakened Shiites, awakened muslims and all awakened from other confessions and religions in order to participate on the same side in common struggle against Daddjal, the Lier which we call Antichrist and which is identified in the actual world in globalism, Western hegemony, global capitalism and murderous politics of United States of America with all theirs pawns, puppets and proxies.
The Iranian Revolution ids the revolt against modern World in favor of eternal truth and the coming age of the Restoration, Resurrection and establishing of global Justice. It is our common struggle – we have common enemy and we should feel ourselves as brothers in spirit and arms.