If we want to say something let's say it in English


If we want to say something let's say it in English


So You are asking me very opportunely:


Warum ?

Novlanque ?

Wozu das?







Only English? Why?


Why English? Because this language is now global, made such by the rulers of the Modern worlds. It is roughly understood by anyone in the world. It is Modern/Post-Modern koyne of XXI. So it is a kind of the linguistic hegemony that has nothing to do (or nearly so) with original Anglo-Saxon ethnic groups. To overthrow hegemony we should use its weapon. If we stay in the limits of our native languages we will be separated and divided, the mutual communication will be narrow, fragmentary and will demand exceptional efforts from each of us. Studying English promoted by the globalists helps us to share anti-hegemonic ideas on the world scale. That doesn't matter if we know English good or bad. More important that we could with its help communicate with each other constantly and easy.

The second point. When we speak or write Russian, French, Serbian, Polish, German, Arab, Turkish, Iranian and so on we are linked to the regional perspective. Our native languages impose on us the concrete national borders, historical experiences and idiosyncrasies. So we count on understanding and presume that listeners know the contexts. So the social context dictates the form of expression and affects thus the various semantic levels. Using English we are free from all these, so we try to be understood by anyone including by those whose historical experience is different from ours. So we choose the words and terms carefully, explaining the details and doing so we rethink what we are to say.

Conclusion: we are to translate most important traditionalist, CR, 4th Political Theory, Multipolar, Geopolitics, Eurasianist, NR, NB texts in English and promote them on the global scale. We will concentrate on our native cultures a little bit later after the End of the hegemony that we should overthrow. If we accept the actual challenge of the ruling class, world oligarchy seriously and if we are ready to fight it effectively we have no choice but learn English and use it.