Aleksandr Dugin'den zehir zemberek yazı: Ukraynayı unutun!

Aleksandr Dugin'den zehir zemberek yazı: Ukraynayı unutun!

Rus milliyetçi entelektüellerin yeni internet sitesi'daki son yazısında Aleksandr Dugin, Rusya'nın Ukrayna üzerindeki niyetlerini tüm çıplaklığıyla açıkladı. Dugin'i göre artık Ukrayna Doğu Slav Birliği'nden ayrılamayacak.... Batının B planı terörizm... Afganistan'dan ABD'nin ayrılması Taliban'ı güçlendirip bize güneyden saldırtmak için!..

El segundo mundo, la semiperiferia y la civilización-estado en la teoría del mundo multipolar

Para comprender la transformación del orden mundial que está aconteciendo ante nuestros ojos, sobre todo el proceso de cambio de un modelo unipolar (globalista) a uno multipolar, es necesario recurrir a diversas ideas y conceptos que permiten realizar una explicación coherente de la misma. He propuesto mi propia visión del asunto en libros como Teoría del mundo multipolar  y La Geopolítica del mundo multipolar, pero estas son solo aproximaciones a un tema bastante complicado. En este artículo quiero desarrollar tres conceptos que pueden ayudarnos a comprender mucho mejor el proceso de transición que está teniendo lugar en las Relaciones Internacionales. Creo que estos conceptos explican las tendencias, conflictos y problemas que se producen actualmente, como, por ejemplo, los conflictos en Ucrania, Taiwán y otras partes del mundo. Solo comprenderemos lo que está sucediendo ahora si entendemos las razones detrás de esta transición, lo cual requiere de una contraparte conceptual. Los tres conceptos que vamos a abordar hacen parte de una explicación de este asunto.

Second world, semi-periphery and state civilisation in a multipolar world theory. Part Three.

We come to a third concept, crucial for understanding the transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world and the place of the BRICS countries in this process. We are talking about the concept of the civilisation-state. This idea has been formulated by Chinese scholars (in particular by Professor Zhang Weiwei) and most often the concept of the civilisation-state is applied to modern China and then by analogy to Russia, India, etc. In the Russian context, a similar theory was put forward by the Eurasians, who proposed the concept of the Peace-State. Actually, in that trend, Russia was understood as a civilisation, not just one of the countries, hence the main Eurasian concept - Russia-Eurasia.

Second World, Semiperiphery and State-Civilisation in Multipolar World Theory [Part Two]

Let us now turn to a different theory: the 'world-system analysis' constructed by Immanuel Wallerstein. Wallerstein, an exponent of the Marxist school of International Relations (especially in its Trotskyist interpretation), on the basis of the doctrine of "the long run" (F. Braudel) and the Latin American theorists of structural economics (R. Prebisch, S. Furtado), developed a model of world zoning according to the level of development of capitalism. This view represents a development of Vladimir Lenin's ideas on imperialism as the highest stage of development of capitalism, according to which the capitalist system naturally gravitates towards globalisation and the spread of its influence over all humanity. Colonial wars between the developed powers are only the initial stage. Capitalism is gradually realising the unity of its supranational goals and forming the core of world government. This is fully consistent with liberal International Relations theory, where the phenomenon of 'imperialism', critically understood by Marxists, is described in apologetic terms as the goal of a 'global society', the One World.

The “Right-Wing Gramscianism” Phenomenon: The Experience of the “New Right”

The “New Right” is an ensemble of intellectual movements that appeared in 1968 as a reaction to ideological crisis and the strengthening of liberal hegemony in Europe. By 1968, the classical “rightwing” movements were riddled with liberal ideological motives, such as the adoption of capitalism, pro-American sentiments, and statism. In turn, the “left-wing” agenda, the core of which was constituted by opposition to capitalism [1], was also affected by liberal influences. Egalitarianism, individualism, the negation of differences between cultures, and universalism were rendering “left-wing” movements allies and partners of the liberal doctrine.


【导读】 爱女杜金娜8月不幸遭恐袭身亡后,俄罗斯哲学家亚历山大•杜金近况如何?作为一些欧美媒体疯传的“普京大脑”、“俄罗斯智囊”、“国师”,他究竟如何看待当下的俄乌冲突与俄罗斯现状?对于自己与普京的关系,他是怎么评价的?他如何看待中共二十大之后中国的未来?对中国年轻一代有哪些建议? 10月21日,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院执行院长王文得到杜金之邀,在其办公室与他交谈了一个小时。现将两人对话梳理如下。摘要版刊于环球时报,原版授权观察者网刊用。

Darya Dugina at the 16th International Conference “The Universe of Platonic Thought”

Political philosophy has always been denied full recognition, focusing on analyzing the metaphysical aspects of Neoplatonism. Neoplatonic concepts such as “permanence” (μονή), “emanation” (πρόοδος), “return” (ὲπιστροφή), etc. were treated in historical-philosophical works separately from the sphere of the Political. Thus, the Political was interpreted only as a stage of ascent toward the Good, embedded in the rigid hierarchical model of Neoplatonic philosophical thought, but not as an independent pole of the philosophical model.

El giro eurasiático de Rusia

Rusia es un país enorme que abarca todo un continente y por eso resulta muy difícil cambiar su dinámica debido a la inercia que tiene. Sin embargo, resultaría absurdo permitir que esta inercia nos lleve al abismo. Es por eso que las reformas (y otras enmiendas que deben hacerse) resultan muy difíciles de hacer.

El código ruso

Rusia lanzó la operación militar especial en Ucrania con la intención de defender su soberanía. Mientras tanto, Occidente ha decidido usar a la nación ucraniana – sí es que puede ser llamada así – como un proxy para detener a los rusos. El predominio militar, económico y formal de Occidente es algo obvio. Sin embargo, Occidente no es solo una estructura política, económica y militar, sino una civilización que tiene un código de programación particular. Este código es el que se convierte posteriormente en armas militares o sistemas económicos, políticos, culturales, educativos, comunicativos, etc… El problema actual subyace en que Rusia debe luchar en contra de este código que da vida a Occidente.

杜金:俄罗斯和西方斗争不仅关乎利益 更是价值观之战

文 亚历山大·杜金 俄罗斯政治学者,普京的哲学家

译 余烈


















2017 年前往俄罗斯采访时,杨潇见到了亚历山大·杜金及其他几位俄罗斯知识分子,写下《在晚期》。文章还原了苏联晚期和 1990 年代转型的具体面貌,也预见今天的现实,可以说俄罗斯如今的脆弱和野心都映照出那段历史打下的投影。在下面摘选的部分中,我们将读到杜金如何在学生时代因叛逆而接触到边缘思想,一小群人的呓语又如何在转型阵痛中一步步碰到现实土壤,最终进入了俄罗斯的主流话语。
















【文/ 观察者网专栏作者 杜金 译/ 观察者网 傅洛拉】






现在54个非洲国家总计占全球GDP 3%,但人口占 17%。非洲一半人口在20岁以下,而全球平均水平是30岁。随着人口增长,非洲国家GDP也会持续增长。过去10年,非洲总GDP增长1.5倍。非洲也是多种自然资源的宝库,煤炭、石油、天然气、锰矿、铜矿、铁矿、铝矿。这些攸关未来世界经济的发展。

Soçi görüşmesinin perde arkasını anlattı

Soçi’de yapılan son görüşmeye dair arka plan bilgilerine vakıf olduğunu aktaran Dugin “O gün Erdoğan ve Putin dünya dengeleri açısından hangi tarafta yer alacaklarını konuştu ve aldıkları kararı paylaştı. Kürt haritasından Kırım’a, Afganistan’dan Libya’ya, Kafkaslardan Suriye’ye tüm alanlara ilişkin hayati konularda kendi kırmızı çizgilerini çizdi. Başta İdlib olmak üzere birçok konuda uzlaştıklarını söyleyebilirim. Ancak bu tarihî buluşmada konuşulanların önemli bir kısmı sır olarak kalacak. Biz sadece sahada yansımalarını göreceğiz’’ dedi.
Putin’in dış politikasını belirleyen isimlerden Aleksandr Dugin, ABD’nin Suriye’den çekileceğini ve bunun kademeli olarak gerçekleşeceğini anlattı. Amerika’nın çekilmesi ile tüm meselelerin hallolmayacağı görüşünü dile getiren Dugin “ABD çekilse bile kriz üretmeye devam edecek. Bu noktada tek belirleyici unsur Rusya, Türkiye ve İran’ın tutumu olacak” diye konuştu.






