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The death of Daria Dugina, which took place on the night of August the 21st of the present year, was an event which shook the entire illiberal political and intellectual world, it was an atrocious and cruel act, which took away the life of a young woman of 29 years old, who had a brilliant future as a political scientist and journalist.
But Daria at her age had already traveled a long journey alongside her father, professor Alexander Dugin, writing, giving conferences, her biggest weapon was her mind. Daria died in an attack directed at her father, the philosopher labeled as “the most dangerous philosopher in the world”, who was the one who would be driving that car, but instead in a tragic coincidence it was his daughter the one on the driver’s seat.
This shouldn’t have happened, to any of them, they were on Russian soil, just after finishing their activities at a youth camp, their last pictures show how happy they were during those moments.
Days before her assassination -we must say assassination and not death, in order to be have it remarked loud and clear the she was taken away form us- the Russian journalist Zemfira Souleymanova was also assassinated, national bolshevik activist, from the Other Russia Party founded by Eduard Limonov, when she died she was being a volunteer close to the Donestk People’s Republic.
The assassination of Daria had more media repercussion, shook all illiberal circles, but we must not forget Zemfira of 25 years old, an idealist young woman and full of life who died for her principles.
The gods’ favorites die young as the Hellenes would say, the two of them died at the blossoming of their youth when they were following the path of political and cultural action.
In Daria we can see an archetype close to Joan of Arc for the multipolar ideal, that young woman who in her adolescence fought to free a nation from its old enemies and to finally end a war of 100 years.
Joan of Arc as the quote by Robert Brasillach from the beginning of this article, put her as an example as representation of a rebellious and defiant youth.
Joan of Arc defied the customs of her time, following the call of the Sacred, she went to fight for the liberation of her fatherland: France, defied her parents, she faced the Dauphin himself and his generals, clergy and nobles, meaning that she faced the figures of authority in France in order to fight for her ideal, showing that true authority does not come from one’s ranks, not from birth, but instead from a higher power.
With that same rebelliousness, defiance and juvenile insolence, Daria faced the globalist powers that, just as the Englishmen of Medieval times who had France under siege, today these very same powers have nations subjugated or under siege.
Daria Dugina could be seen as a Joan of Arc for the multipolar world, in her own words we can see that she saw her mission as something beyond politics, as a sacred duty:
“This spiritual war against the modern world gives me strength to live. I am fighting against the hegemony of evil for the truth of Eternal Tradition.” — Daria Dugina
Daria was cataloged as a potential threat by the British Secret Intelligence Service, the very same enemies for Joan of Arc and for all of Europe. Just like Joan of Arc died through execution by burning, Daria was assassinated by the fire of a bomb, but not fulfilled with their assassination, the Western media has burned her at the stake again via fake news, tergiversations and unfounded accusations of racism and apology of genocide, the Western press has shown again that it is nothing but garbage and an organism at the service of the unipolar and globalist world.
After her death Joan of Arc was canonized as a saint and became the patron saint of France, just like Daria was given the Order of Courage posthumously on behalf of Vladimir Putin’s government, the highest honor in Russia. After their assassinations Joan and Daria triumphed against death by transcending it and becoming saints and heroes.
In Joan and Daria come together: youth, rebelliousness and sanctity, defiant contempt, the struggle for a sacred ideal, the battle for freedom and against tyranny, transcendence beyond politics, culture and death, in order to become symbols of a Holy War.
In Joan, Daria and Zemfira we find the representation of what professor Dugin calls the feminism of Hecate in his book Noomakhia (Ediciones Fides), What is feminism of Hecate? It is the antagony of western and globalist feminism, this kind of feminism which is patriotic and identitarian, it is based on the goddess Hecate who was in the beginning, a celestial goddess who brought wisdom, courage and justice upon the battlefield.
“(…) the feminism of Hecate is the restoration of woman’s dignity as friend and ally of man, of Indo-European man. It is an Indo-European feminism which is against the Logos of Cibeles, because it is the glorification of the femenine principle of the purely Indo-European Logos.” (Noomakhia, Ediciones Fides)
Inside of this very same Joan of Arc spirit and within feminism of Hecate, the figure of Deni Prieto Stock aka “Maria Luisa”, Mexican guerrilla fighter, assassinated by the army during the guerrilla years, would also be found here.
That juvenile spirit which battles, which denies the possibility of getting older, that dies in the struggle and through its death it transcends, heroic death, eternal youth, the conversion of a struggler into a martyr, hero and saint, such as in the mythical stories.
Today, the youth doesn’t want to struggle nor to transcend, what they want is to be a copy of Netflix’ teenagers, to obey the State when it orders them to stay at home, to wear a mask and obey the rules, to put flags for any cause of the current fashion or just to follow any new trend on social media.
Daria was a young woman who was an enemy to that kind of youth who are desired by the global powers, she was a warrior, an intellectual and that is why she was assassinated. Daria Dugina’s last days were spent at a Eurasian camp, living together with other young Russians, giving them cultural, sports and political formation in order to fight for the multipolar world. Daria died with a smile upon her face because her example served to the youth who now see her, more than ever, as a symbol.
The English were ultimately unable to kill Joan of Arc, the globalists couldn’t kill Daria and now she has transcended as a hero and saint for the new multipolar order.
They couldn’t kill her, instead they turned her into a symbol, even after her death, Daria has triumphed over her enemies and the enemies of Russia, and ultimately of all mankind.
“On the blood of our martyrs, empires shall rise!” — Carlos Mamani, Peruvian Sociologist
In this new era, Daria Dugina is the Joan of Arc for the Multipolar World.
“Our wishes have come together to form a new shining star, now she has become the path that lights the way!” — Alejandro Vasquez, translator of this article.
Translated by Alejandro Vásquez from the Center for Crisolist Studies (Perú)