
March on Moscow: Prighozhin's left-wing march

March on Moscow: Prighozhin's left-wing march

Today I am particularly concerned about an important question: can we finally break out of cultural one-dimensionality in our interpretation of events, and in particular of the last significant historical incident we experienced, namely Prigozhin's march on Moscow?  When will our thinking stop being flat and one-dimensional and turn to the depths of meaning that lie behind the surface of historical phenomena? 

Russia’s Road to Victory

Russia’s Road to Victory

The future remains a mystery, an open book that no one can read with certainty. The same can be said about the present and the past; our understanding of them is far from absolute, resulting in diverse interpretations. The future is even more uncertain, especially when considering the ongoing brutal and intimidating conflict we are experiencing now—a battle waged against the united forces of the West.


Existential Justification of Russian Special Military Operation

Existential Justification of Russian Special Military Operation

We read the thesis of the total mobilization in the context of Heidegger, and what do we get out of it? Exactly what Andrei was saying, that total mobilization means changing how one exists. According to Heidegger, there are two fundamental ways of existing, i.e. Dasein: inauthentic and authentic. When Dasein, that is, our human presence, the thinking presence, asks in the world what existence is and turns to its essence and comes face to face with death, because it is death that is the main existential of Dasein.

Ukraine as a Field of Armageddon

Ukraine as a Field of Armageddon

Many are beginning to realize that what is happening is in no way explained by national interest analysis, by economic trends or energy policy, by territorial disputes, or by ethnic contradictions. Virtually any expert who tries to describe what is happening in the usual terms and concepts of pre-war times looks at the least unconvincing, and more often than not, simply stupid.


Sociological Paradigms and the Russian Gender

Sociological Paradigms and the Russian Gender

The specifics of conducting this survey are to describe the opinion of the 'netizens' [Editor's note: literally, 'netizen' is the fusion of the English words net and citizen, i.e. 'network' and 'citizen', thus translatable as 'net citizen'], the 'Internet Russians'. Are there many of them? Yes, they are many. In sociological terms, Russians can be divided into two categories: 'TV Russians' and 'Internet Russians', which differ significantly in their attitudes. 




The ABC of traditional values: Mercy

Mercy is a very important phenomenon, it has no measure. If justice can be measured - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - mercy cannot be measured, because it is always something more. It is always excessive. This is, in a sense, undeserved. We speak of mercy, for example, when we spare a defeated enemy. Perhaps, from the point of view of justice, he should be punished or even executed, but we pity him, and therein lies the undeserved mercy. This is the basis of Christianity.

Russia is coming out of anaesthesia: six phases of Special Military Operation

The first abrupt phase was marked by Russian successes: during it, Russian forces overran Sumy, Chernigov and reached Kiev from the north, arousing the fury of the West. Moscow proved its seriousness in liberating the Donbass and, with a quick escape from Crimea, established control over two more regions, Kherson and Zaporozhye, as well as part of the Kharkov region.

The ABC of traditional values: The Unity of the Peoples of Russia

This is a direct reference to the Eurasian conception of Russian history. The Eurasianists were those Russian philosophers who drew attention to the fact that the destiny of Russia is, first of all, the destiny of the Russian people, who founded the power, created the culture, developed the language, but, at the same time, would be incomplete and imperfect if the other nations did not tie their destinies to the Russian people.

The new Russian ideology is born in the Donbass

Today the ideology of Russia acquiring its own identity is being born in you, in the Russian Donbass. My daughter died for a great Russia at the hands of Ukrainian terrorists. Not long before, she had returned from her new territories (Daria had been to Mariupol, Kherson, Melitopol, Lugansk and Donetsk) and shared her impressions. In her lecture, she said: "Even we patriots, convinced supporters and champions of Russian Peace, ideologists and inspirers of the Russian Spring, think here in Moscow that Novorossia needs us. But in reality it does not. What can we teach Novorossia, when its sons and daughters, adults and children, have gone through such a crucible of historical trials to become a true Russian people. They are the Russian world.

Censorship: The Metaphaysics of Sovereign Culture

Censorship: The Metaphaysics of Sovereign Culture

The topic of censorship is not only highly topical for our society (especially in the context of the SMO), but also philosophically fundamental. Contemporary Western culture increasingly resorts to censorship, despite trying to present liberalism as the abolition of all censorship criteria. In reality, what is censorship if not the most radical form of censoring any idea, image, doctrine, work or thought that does not fit into the narrow and increasingly exclusivist dogma of the 'open society'?

神聖的羅格斯 — 對獨裁自由主義的反抗與後人文主義的悲慘命運

2022年12月,新西伯利亞國家音樂廳舉辦了第一屆「WRNS西伯利亞論壇」,新西伯利亞地區政府首腦和俄羅斯東正教會新西伯利亞區最高負責人都參加了這場會議。現代俄羅斯最著名的哲學家亞歷山大·杜金教授 (Alexander Dugin)在此次活動中擔任演講者。來自今日領袖報《Today correspondent》的代表亞歷山大·佐諾夫 (Alexander Zonov) 與他進行了採訪交談。

The ABC of traditional values: historical memory and intergenerational continuity

The ABC of traditional values: historical memory and intergenerational continuity

In the next part of our 'ABC of traditional values' we will talk about the letter 'I' - historical memory and intergenerational continuity. What is more important than this traditional value if we want to achieve all the others? After all, if we lose our historical memory, if we become like the one who does not remember his kinship, then, in general, it will not matter what we have planned before.
