El giro eurasiático de Rusia

Rusia es un país enorme que abarca todo un continente y por eso resulta muy difícil cambiar su dinámica debido a la inercia que tiene. Sin embargo, resultaría absurdo permitir que esta inercia nos lleve al abismo. Es por eso que las reformas (y otras enmiendas que deben hacerse) resultan muy difíciles de hacer.


Let us talk about the rejection of the Bologna Process [Editor's note: This is the reform process of the higher education system at international level, which began in 1999 at the University of Bologna, from which it takes its name. This agreement has enabled an almost unified system of recognition and equivalence of academic qualifications. Many European States adhere to the Process, but for the last three years there has been a gradual abandonment of the convention]. The focal point is a question of principle. The introduction of the Bologna System was part of an overall project: the full integration of Russia into the global world, which means adopting all the norms and rules of the West. This was not just about education, but has been the main strategy of the Russian government since 1991. The adaptation of all standards of living - education, economy, culture, science, politics, technology, fashion, art, education, sports, media - to the norms of the modern West was the main goal of all reforms. This applied to everything and was the main goal of the authorities under both Yeltsin and Putin. The implementation of the Bologna system is an infinitesimal element of this overall strategy.

Russian code

By engaging in direct confrontation with the West during the SMO, even though the West itself participates through its Ukrainian proxy structure, which cannot be called a 'country', Russia is forced to defend its sovereignty on all levels. In terms of military, economic and formal policy, this is quite obvious, but the West is much more than a political-military-economic structure: it is a civilization with a fundamental program code. Everything else is derived from this code: weapons, economy, politics, culture, education, science, media, etc. Russia is now forced to confront the whole spectrum and, in general, the Western code itself.

Russian Code

By engaging in direct confrontation with the West during the SMO, even though the West itself participates through its Ukrainian proxy structure, which cannot be called a 'country', Russia is forced to defend its sovereignty on all levels. In terms of military, economic and formal policy, this is quite obvious, but the West is much more than a political-military-economic structure: it is a civilization with a fundamental program code. Everything else is derived from this code: weapons, economy, politics, culture, education, science, media, etc. Russia is now forced to confront the whole spectrum and, in general, the Western code itself.

El código ruso

Rusia lanzó la operación militar especial en Ucrania con la intención de defender su soberanía. Mientras tanto, Occidente ha decidido usar a la nación ucraniana – sí es que puede ser llamada así – como un proxy para detener a los rusos. El predominio militar, económico y formal de Occidente es algo obvio. Sin embargo, Occidente no es solo una estructura política, económica y militar, sino una civilización que tiene un código de programación particular. Este código es el que se convierte posteriormente en armas militares o sistemas económicos, políticos, culturales, educativos, comunicativos, etc… El problema actual subyace en que Rusia debe luchar en contra de este código que da vida a Occidente.

The rejection of the Bologna Process and the ideological convulsions of the élite

Let us talk about the rejection of the Bologna Process [Editor's note: This is the reform process of the higher education system at international level, which began in 1999 at the University of Bologna, from which it takes its name. This agreement has enabled an almost unified system of recognition and equivalence of academic qualifications. Many European States adhere to the Process, but for the last three years there has been a gradual abandonment of the convention]. The focal point is a question of principle. The introduction of the Bologna System was part of an overall project: the full integration of Russia into the global world, which means adopting all the norms and rules of the West. This was not just about education, but has been the main strategy of the Russian government since 1991. The adaptation of all standards of living - education, economy, culture, science, politics, technology, fashion, art, education, sports, media - to the norms of the modern West was the main goal of all reforms. This applied to everything and was the main goal of the authorities under both Yeltsin and Putin. The implementation of the Bologna system is an infinitesimal element of this overall strategy.

The Polish Question. Partition of Ukraine?

Some background on Poland: the plan to hand over western Ukraine to Poland already existed before the start of the SMO, when the West was only considering the likelihood of such a conflict. NATO believed that Russia would destroy the command centre in Kiev at the beginning of the operation and that this would be a wake-up call for Poland; the relocation of the embassies from Kiev to Lviv was also linked to this.

Darya Platonova: The War in Ukraine a Clash of Globalist and Eurasian Civilizations

The conflict in Ukraine is still not over. In the West we are bombarded with information in favour of Ukraine and the Ukrainians. We forget that the Russians also have their own point of view. That is why we interviewed Darya Dugin, daughter of Aleksandr Dugin, about the situation. A fascinating interview.

The winning philosophy

Meaningful internal reforms must logically begin in Russia. This is required by the SMO, which, in the extreme, has aggravated the contradictions with the West - with the entire modern Western civilisation. Today anyone can see that it’s no longer safe to simply use the norms, methods, concepts, products of this civilisation. The West spreads its ideology along with its technologies, permeating all spheres of life. If we recognise ourselves as part of Western civilisation, we should voluntarily accept this total colonisation and even enjoy it (as in the 1990s), but in the case of the current confrontation - which is fatal! - this attitude is unacceptable. Many westerners and liberals became fully aware of this and left Russia at the very moment when the break with western civilisation had become irreversible; the situation became irreversible on 24 February 2022, and even two days earlier - at the time of the recognition of the independence of the DPR and LPR - on 22 February 2022.

Empire and praxis

What are the decisive factors for the restoration of a true empire in Russia? This question was posed seriously by Father Vladimir Tsvetkov, prior of the Sofronie Hermitage near Arzamas, in a very profound formulation: what should we pray for? In fact, the same question was asked of Konstantin Malofeev at the presentation of his book Empire: Where is the Empire today?

Three months of SMO: Russia has done well, but…

Almost three months have passed since the start of the SMO (Special Military Operation) in Ukraine. Some conclusions can be drawn. I will not consider the military aspect of the operation, which requires the opinion of experts in military strategy, and one cannot talk about everything while the battle is going on. I would like to assess other circumstances that are purely political:

The antichrist's last trick

Let's put all the elements together. We have a frightening picture (for the Russians). Forces, groups, worldviews and governmental entities, which collectively call themselves "the West" and which since their victory in the Cold War have been the sole rulers of the world, behind a façade of "liberalism" profess a thin eschatological theological doctrine, in which the events of secular history, technological progress, international relations, social processes, etc. are interpreted from an apocalyptic perspective.

They are trying to prevent victory

The first phase has been solar and offensive: immediate attacks on a wide range of targets across Ukraine, Russian troops up in Kiev, Gostomel, the seizure of northern Ukraine (Chernihiv, Sumy), a breakthrough from the south to the Donbass, establishing control over Kherson and part of the Zaporozhe region, the semi-darkness of Kharkiv, a frenzied attack on National Front and AFU positions in Mariupol (the operation is almost complete) and on occupied DNR/LNR territory
