Common Appeal for the Rescue of the Peoples of Europe


The EU, which was presented to its peoples as a means for collective progress and democracy, tends to become the means for terminating prosperity and democracy. It was introduced as a means of resistance to globalization, but the markets wish it to be an instrument of this globalization.
It was introduced to German and other European peoples as a means of peaceful increase of their power and prosperity, but the way that all peoples are abandoned to be the pray of financial markets, destroys the image of Europe and turns the markets into actors of a new financial totalitarianism, into the new bosses of Europe.
We are facing the danger of repeating the financial equivalent of World War 1 and World War 2 in our continent and be dissolved into chaos and decomposition, in favor of an international Empire of Money and Weapons, in the economic epicentre of which lies the power of the markets.
The peoples of Europe and the world are facing a historically unprecedented concentration of financial but also political and media power by the international financial capital, ie by a handful of financial institutes, rating agencies and a political and media class redeemed by them, with more centers outside, than inside Europe. These are the markets that attack today in one European country after another, using the leverage of debt to demolish the European welfare state and democracy.

Interview with Dimitris Konstantakopoulos. Greek crisis

Dimitris Konstantakopoulos

Greeks stay in the streets for very simple reasons. After experiencing one year of “help” from EU, ECB, IMF and their own government, they strongly believe their nation is heading directly to an economic and social catastrophe of epic proportions. They see more and more old people searching for food in dustbins, hospitals and universities bending under the deduction of half of their budgets, more and more shops closed, the state in decomposition, twice as many people committing suicide compared to last year. Greek economy is experiencing its worst recession since the 2nd World War, the morale of the nation is broken. Greek society is entering rapidly a classic Weimar-type situation. Its possibility of repaying its debts has been annihilated, as a result of a program supposedly designed to achieve exactly the goal of repayment! 


Oblivion and Discourse of Being

"In the caves which were used as primitive habitat, the so-called cavemens, were found rock drawings, ornaments which show the strange creative power and even weirder creative perception of those who created them. Movements of animals in the jump) – buffalo, deer, etc... – confirmed in modern science with the using of the the current photographic technics, show such precision in the eye of the primary artists which forcibly impose belief that their visual power was much stronger than is ours, which is primarily synthetic, so we're practically not able to observe a movement separated from the movement, which he follows, while, for the population of the cave, that was quite normally experience. There is also observed that those painting fragments are found in the deep cave, where is total darkness, and where we could work only with the artificial light, while in those places is not find any remaining of the smoke and soot, whose tracks had to stay there, because the torches and oil lamps of that time had to smoke, sam as today ones. They, therefore, were able to see in that, for modern humans, darkness, more clearly and they felt the need for coloring, drawing for which eye request even more light" (Rastko Petrovic: „A primitive civilization which became extinct“).

The Big Game – and its Greek and Cypriot “chapter”

First of all we should remember the immense role of Greece in Russian identity. Greece has given us almost all – faith, alphabet (prepared for us by two Greek Saints - Saint Cyril and Saint Matthew), culture,cosmic vision, political concept of Orthodox Empire (the Byzantine as an example), social ideal (κοινωνία), philosophy, law… The same could be said about all Europeans, but our ties are deeper and more organic and direct. So we Russians are absolutely indebted to the Greeks.

But in the course of history Greeks and Russians have seen different dramatic turns. Sometimes we were together (in faith we were and are brothers), sometimes separately… It is difficult in the course of an interview to make the sufficient survey of all these turns – let’s concentrate on the most important ones…

New paradigm of science (Tokyo University)

The rational man, the man who bases his perception of the world on the "common sense" ("la bonne raison", "bon sens" or "la bonne foi") is the subject of the modern science , its self, its creator, its main developer. In the pre-scientifical period such a subject did not exist purely or, at least, it did not claim for the rational approach as the only one to formulate the truths of the surrounding reality's nature. Some certain superrational dogmas and myths always prevailed over the rational man. As to science, it set itself to emancipation from non-rational foundations from the very beginning. And this is just what one of its specific distinctive features consists in. Where this criterion is not observed, we cannot talk about the science in the strict (modern) sense of that word and should use other formulas, such as "pre-scientific conceptions", "para-scientific method", "pre-scientific" and in some situations even "post-scientific" approaches.


The Legacy of a European Traditionalist Julius Evola in Perspective

To date, Evola’s work has been subjected to the silent treatment. When Evola is not ignored, he is usually vilified by leftist scholars and intellectuals, who demonize him as a bad teacher, racist, rabid anti-Semite, master mind of right-wing terrorism, fascist guru, or so filthy a racist even to touch him would be repugnant. The writer Martin Lee, whose knowledge of Evola is of the most superficial sort, called him a « Nazi philosopher » and claimed that « Evola helped compose Italy’s belated racialist laws toward the end of the Fascist rule » (4). Others have minimized his contribution altogether. Walter Laqueur, in his Fascism: Past, Present, Future, did not hesitate to call him a « learned charlatan, an eclecticist, not an innovator, » and suggested « there were elements of pure nonsense also in his later work. » (5) Umberto Eco sarcastically nicknamed Evola « Othelma, the Magician.»


In the French dictionary "Le Petit Larousse" it is written that the conditions of uniformity for an ethnos are its language and its culture. 
For the purposes of this analysis, I will give my own extended interpretation of this concept, having said that the unity of the ethnic state has its roots in the unity of race, religion, language, common imageries, common memories, common frustrations or fears.  
The concept of the political state (as an open, expanding system) is fully opposite to the concept of the ethnic state (as a closed, fixed system). The political state is the expression of the will of free men to have a common future.  

Establish a multipolar world order

In my opinion, a multipolar world is the order with 5 or more centers of power in the world and this reality will keep our planet more safe and balanced with shared responsibility between the regions. But it is not just interdependence by the logic of liberalism: some regions might well exist in relative political and economic autarky. Beside that, there might exist a double core in one center (for example Arabs and Turks in a large Muslim zone or Russia and Central Asian states for Eurasia) and shifted and inter-imposed zones, because, historically, centers of power can be moved. Of course at the moment the most significant centers of power are described in terms of nuclear arms, GDP, economic weight/growth and diplomatic influence. First of all we already have more poles than during the Soviet-US opposition. Secondly, everybody understands the role of China as a ‘Bretton Woods-2’, as well as emerging countries under acronyms as BRICS or VISTA, “anchor countries” and so on. And, thirdly, we see the rise of popular and unconventional diplomacy and the desire of many countries (many of them are strong regional actors such as Iran, Indonesia and Brazil) to not follow the U.S. as satellites or minor partners.

The world needs to understand Putin

For his first twelve years in power, Mr Putin’s inherent conservativism was been tempered by the need to appeal to a significant and influential liberal elite. But with the desertion of this class to the ranks of protesters, we are seeing a shift, and finally the true Putin is making his worldview known.

But Putin’s steps should not be interpreted as winding the clock back.  Russian society is in transition  -  from pure form of totalitarianism to something new. This conservative moment in this transition  represents more a rethinking of what the end of this transition will be rather than a refusal to change anything at all.

Russia cannot return to the old Soviet model – the premises for it are totally lacking in Russian society. It is possible only on the symbolic level – such as accent on Soviet patriotic themes like return to the Soviet anthem or socialist rhetoric.


The conference Against Post-Modern World took place in Moscow suburbs city Zvenigorod in the autumn of 2011.
The conference Against Post-Modern World was dedicated to the problematics of Tradition and Post-Modern. It has gathered the most outstanding and presentable traditionalist of Russia and Europe.
It was a true gathering of traditionalists from different countries from Russia and Europe most of the traditionalist movements and schools, publications and magazines.. They gathered to ask the most daring questions and to fearlessly offer their bold answers to them.
The catastrophe is acknowledged by everyone. But it has been described in different ways, and different solutions have been offered.

We truly were looking for an alternative

I would have to say I rediscovered the Forth Political Theroy over the past few years with my return to Political Activism. For those who do not know me before the inception of New Resistance, in the 1990’s I was a highly active member of the American Front. Our brand of Third Position was unlike any Third Position at the time or any currently being espoused today. We truly were looking for an alternative beyond facisim, communism, and liberalism. We had early influences from Christian Bouchet and Alexander Dugin so it was natural that we looked to Europe and Russia for inspiration. The promotion of such ideologies breaking away from reationary norms along with symbolism and tactics from the classical Left  sped up the progress of us fighting a war on “two fronts” here at home, being called “commies” from the racial right and “nazi” from the liberalized left. So with that being said what I have seen happen since my departure in 2001 is beyond encouraging. What I have found in Professor Dugin’s work on the Forth Political Theroy, being optimistic, can see it taking foothold as an ideology to be taken seriously. As far as the U.S. is concerned nothing short of complete disaster would shake the foundation of liberal democracy.  

Different Europe

I personally consider Russia as a European country, of course with diverse ethnic groups. And of course it has its own culture, traditions, and identity. But every European country has its own culture and traditions. The only difference is, we Europeans are told nonstop by the Brussels propaganda that we are all somehow “the same”. The Russians have the benefit not being bombarded by that ridiculous nonsense. For me as a German, Russia should be our close friend and ally. We share a lot of interests, we share a common history of course with ups and downs – at least Moscow is closer to us than Washington. A close relationship to Russia would be in the national interest of Berlin and Moscow.

Eurasia will bring the world to multipolarity

there is two Europe’s. Now the politics are not allowed except those who serve the NWO but each conservative organization considered as terrorist or neo-Nazi even its not. You know communist fear fascist or the fascist side of conservatism but who calls these organizations as terrorist one THE Government which serves the liberation of each community so 50% for each side.
“There is nothing more tragic than a failure to understand the historical moment we are currently going through; - notes Alain de Benoist – this is the moment of postmodern globalization”. The French philosopher emphasizes the significance of the issue of a new Nomos of the Earth or a way of establishing international relations. What do you think the fourth Nomos will be like? Would you agree that the new Nomos is going to be Eurasian and multipolar (transition from universum to pluriversum)? I believe in case the globalizations won you know it’s too easy to control 5 people more than 10 its real slavery anyway. The answer yes I believe in Eurasia will bring the world to multipolarity also you can add after that I believe in triple -world which atlantist west as first and Eurasia also china as third so the second and the third against first and the second united with the third in one side.

The struggle between Europe and West

The struggle between the "two Europes" - I would say: between Europe and West - is a struggle for life or death, because the final instauration of liberal totalitarism, with the monsters created by its atheistic anthropology, by its cult of profit, by its technological prometheism, would mean to sink to the bottom of a subhuman barbarity which never existed in the world history. I don't know if Europe will find in itself the necessary energies to invert the liberal trend, nor we can see the "help from East” hypothized by René Guénon, so that I am tempted to repeat that "only a god can save us". In every case, "good Europeans" must do their duty and continue to struggle, never mind the chances of victory.

Eurasia and Europe: Dialogue of “Big Spaces”

Carl Schmitt regarded the earth as a single whole and was looking for its global mission. This "whole" was formed by Schmitt in the concept of Nomos. He used the Greek word derived from the verb «nemein», which is identical to German “nehmen” - “to take”. Nomos comprises three acts of the drama: "taking", "division and distribution of the taken", "exploitation and use of the taken and distributed." According to Schmitt, Nomos of the Earth existed always. First Nomos is described as a "promised land" of ancient peoples. It is the Nomos of the ancient times and the Middle Ages. It ceased to exist after the exploration of the great oceans and the American continent. Thus began the Second Nomos, the Nomos of national sovereign states that had the Eurocentric structure. Events of the World War II led to its destruction, so that the land was divided into east and west, which were in a state of "cold war". It is not about mere geographic opposites, but a more original and profound contradistinctions. Carl Schmitt wrote: "The whole history of the planetary confrontation of East and West in its entirety is reducible to the fundamental dualism of the elements: Earth and Water, Land and Sea. What we now call the East, is a single mass of solid land: Russia, China and India - a huge piece of land, the "Middle Earth", as named by the great English geographer Sir Halford Mackinder. What we call today the West, is one of the world's oceans, hemispheres, where the Atlantic and Pacific oceans are placed. Confrontation of the sea and land powers, worlds - is the global truth that lies at the heart of explanation of civilization dualism that constantly generates a planetary stress and stimulates the whole process of history ." Thus, the birth of a third Nomos was caused by division of the world between the West and the East. However, it was destroyed with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union.


Russia connects Asia and Europe.

I discovered the Fourth Political Theory through a dear companion of many years whom we have discussed philosophical and political matters.  This person has remained with me for many years even through dark or desperate times.

Some books change our life:  The fourth political theory is one such example.

 In my humble opinion upon evaluation I already see this major ideology taking root and precedent in the hearts and minds of our spiritual warriors who are standing against oppression.  We do not want to be slaves in western and eastern spheres from the negatively defined liberal hegemony stemming regarding such countries which support terrorism.  This has been a problem for decades. 

The current situation has been made clear by the fourth political theory and many of us are reaching out for the historic future in the spirit of Dugin and Eurasia.


The contradictory processes of de-mythologization and re-mythologization are not unknown to ancient civilizations, in which the old myths are sometimes destroyed (demythologization) and replaced with new myths (remythologization). In other words, herein are the processes of de-mythologization and re-mythologization mutually caused and interdependent processes. They do not call into question the very basis of traditional mythical community; moreover, they are maintaining it current and alive.

Myth, namely – except in special cases of extreme degradation and secularization of tradition and culture – for us, is not a fiction of primitive people, a superstition or a misunderstanding, but a very concise expression of the highest sacred truths and principles, which are “translated” to a specific language of earthly reality, to such an extent which is practically possible. The myth is sacral truth described by popular language. Where the presumptions for its understanding are disappearing, the mythical content must be discarded to let in its place another one.
