Associations and Reflections around Tradition and Future Shock

What makes technogenic civilization and the era of Modernity and Postmodernity so attractive to the ordinary person, to the overwhelming majority? Why do they assume such to be the pinnacle reached by mankind, and drawing on the “indubitable” ideas of progress and evolution, why do they draw out its prospects to even greater, happy heights, in contrast to the point of view expressed in this book, Tradition and Future Shock: Visions of a Future that Isn’t Ours, according to which these heights are but nightmarish abysses and infernal darkness?

The ABC of traditional values: Justice

Justice is a very important word for the Russian people. Perhaps, even the key word. In the days of the World Assembly of the Russian People, when His Holiness the Patriarch sought a definition of what the Soviet period brought to the treasury of our history, of our thinking, the key word was 'justice'. Indeed, there was justice in the Soviet period, and it is because of it that people today warmly remember those years. Yes, there were many faults, but there was much more justice than before the revolution, and even more than today.

Mircea Eliade: Sacred and Existential Politics

Preparing this report... In fact, it was Dasha (Daria Dugina) who had invited me to come and get involved in the Council. She suggested that I talk about Luciano Blaga, because Alexander Dugin had talked about him in the context of the Fourth Way and existential politics. But I decided to make a report on Eliade, although for some reason it seemed unexpected and fortunately is in the context of the topic brought up by Nikita Syundyukov. And it seems to me now that the report and the subject it deals with have become, to put it immodestly, somewhat practical, but for some reason it has also dealt with these subjects: sacrifice, Easter, somehow, history... So let's get down to the report itself. I assume Daria is supposed to be mentioned at the end of the report without any special dedications to her at the beginning, since it turned out that the entire report was actually dedicated to her.

The ABC of traditional values: Mercy

Mercy is a very important phenomenon, it has no measure. If justice can be measured - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - mercy cannot be measured, because it is always something more. It is always excessive. This is, in a sense, undeserved. We speak of mercy, for example, when we spare a defeated enemy. Perhaps, from the point of view of justice, he should be punished or even executed, but we pity him, and therein lies the undeserved mercy. This is the basis of Christianity.

Dugin's guideline: The final division between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness

In the third part of his study, the Russian philosopher compares the spiritual and physical worlds, focusing on the division of humanity after the Last Judgement. Who is destined to live forever and who is destined to perish in the abyss is a question that has preoccupied men since their birth.

The novel Laurus as a manifesto of Russian traditionalism

The novel-life, a 'non-historical novel' as the author Evgeny Vodolazkin (doctor of philology, specialist in ancient Russian literature) calls it, is a description of the destiny and inner development of Arseny the healer. After receiving medical training from his grandfather Christopher, Arseny enters life with all its complexities, temptations and trials. From the beginning, Arseny's profile betrays a man called in spirit and marked by a special gift, an unusual charisma. He is mobilised by a higher power to serve people. He is not of this world, but he serves people of this world. Already in this we can see the plot of suffering and pain.

Censorship: The Metaphaysics of Sovereign Culture

Censorship: The Metaphaysics of Sovereign Culture

The topic of censorship is not only highly topical for our society (especially in the context of the SMO), but also philosophically fundamental. Contemporary Western culture increasingly resorts to censorship, despite trying to present liberalism as the abolition of all censorship criteria. In reality, what is censorship if not the most radical form of censoring any idea, image, doctrine, work or thought that does not fit into the narrow and increasingly exclusivist dogma of the 'open society'?

Liberalism is more dangerous than Ukrainian Nazism

Liberalism is more dangerous than Ukrainian Nazism

There is not and cannot be a neutral position in this war, there are only two camps. That is all. Anyone who hesitates or is undecided, sooner or later (I think much sooner than it seems) will be forced to take up arms and simply go to the front, and the front today is everywhere. It is impossible to bring this long, difficult and terrible war back to where it was before 24 February 2022, nor can it be stopped, it can only be won. Or it can still be consigned to human history. Then there are no winners. Death will win.


Erdogan staat voor de ultieme test

Erdogan staat voor de ultieme test

Noot van de vertaler: Aleksandr Doegin analyseert hier de situatie in Turkije vanuit Russisch oogpunt en binnen het huidige kader van de oorlog tussen Rusland en Oekraïne (of liever tussen Rusland en de NAVO) in de Zwarte Zee, die een inzet is van de oude Russisch-Ottomaanse rivaliteit. De huidige situatie impliceert een aanzienlijke verandering van aanpak. Voor Europa (of voor het idee van het Gemeenschappelijk Huis) gaat de noodzaak om de argumenten van Erdogan te aanvaarden, die de Amerikaanse inmenging wenst te beperken, hand in hand met een afwijzing van Erdogans beleid om de Turkse diaspora te manipuleren tegen de Europese samenlevingen, een manipulatie die ook zou plaatsvinden als het beruchte ideologische kenmerk van de West-Europese regimes niet het Wokisme zou zijn.

神聖的羅格斯 — 對獨裁自由主義的反抗與後人文主義的悲慘命運

2022年12月,新西伯利亞國家音樂廳舉辦了第一屆「WRNS西伯利亞論壇」,新西伯利亞地區政府首腦和俄羅斯東正教會新西伯利亞區最高負責人都參加了這場會議。現代俄羅斯最著名的哲學家亞歷山大·杜金教授 (Alexander Dugin)在此次活動中擔任演講者。來自今日領袖報《Today correspondent》的代表亞歷山大·佐諾夫 (Alexander Zonov) 與他進行了採訪交談。

Divine Logos, rebellion against liberal dictatorship and the evil fate of post-humanism

Divine Logos, rebellion against liberal dictatorship and the evil fate of post-humanism

In December 2022, the A.M. Katz State Concert Hall in Novosibirsk hosted the First Siberian Forum of WRNS with the participation of the heads of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region and the Novosibirsk Metropolia of the Russian Orthodox Church. Among the speakers at the event was the most famous philosopher of modern Russia, Alexander Dugin, with whom Leaders Today correspondent Alexander Zonov spoke shortly afterwards in Moscow. We would like to thank Evgeny Tsybizov, co-chairman of the Russian People's World Council and head of the Tsargrad NGO, for his help with the organisation.

George Soros's last speech: the "open society" wars and climate as a combatant in the conflict

First of all Soros provides definitions of "open" and "closed" societies. In the open societies the State protects the freedom of the individual. In the closed ones, the individual serves the interests of the State. In theory, this corresponds to the opposition of Western liberal democracy and traditional society (whatever that may be). Moreover, in the field of International Relations (IR) this corresponds exactly to the polemic between liberals in IR and realists in IR

The ABC of traditional values: historical memory and intergenerational continuity

The ABC of traditional values: historical memory and intergenerational continuity

In the next part of our 'ABC of traditional values' we will talk about the letter 'I' - historical memory and intergenerational continuity. What is more important than this traditional value if we want to achieve all the others? After all, if we lose our historical memory, if we become like the one who does not remember his kinship, then, in general, it will not matter what we have planned before.
