
Liberalism evil ideology

Liberalism evil ideology

In an interview with Mehr News Agency, Alexander Dugin, the prominent Russian politician and philosopher and adviser to the Russian President Vladimir Putin discuss the developments of the Gaza war, Russia's conditions for signing the ceasefire agreement with Ukraine, and the solution to the challenges of the South Caucasus.

Why is Tucker Carlson’s interview considered pivotal for both the West and Russia?

Let us start with the simpler part: Russia. Here, Tucker Carlson has become a focal point for two polar opposites within Russian society: ideological patriots and elite Westernisers who nonetheless remain loyal to Putin and the Special Military Operation. For patriots, Tucker Carlson is simply ‘one of us’. He is a traditionalist, a right-wing conservative, and a staunch opponent of liberalism. This is what twenty-first-century emissaries to the Russian tsar look like.

For a Metaphysics of 4TP: contributions to the Interiority of the Radical Subject

For a Metaphysics of 4TP: contributions to the Interiority of the Radical Subject

It is not up to us to choose the actual time and manner in which a Radical Subject, from a human aspiration of an existential order and consequent intellectual adherence to the values and truths preached by the Fourth Political Theory, can transform and transfigure itself into a concrete metaphysical and spiritual human reality that in its essence is res of a mystical-eschatological order.

“It's time for Paris to leave”: Africans gather in their thousands against French neo-colonialism

“It's time for Paris to leave”: Africans gather in their thousands against French neo-colonialism

19.05.2022 - Although the era of colonial powers ended in the middle of the last century, France has not yet abandoned its attempts to exploit African states. In many of the countries that gained independence from the metropolis, Paris deployed puppet politicians.

"Europe is the battlefield between two worldviews" - Interview with Daria Platonova

"Europe is the battlefield between two worldviews" - Interview with Daria Platonova

05.05.2022 - We interviewed, exclusively, Darya Platonova Dugina, philosopher graduated from Moscow State University, specialised in Neoplatonism, able political commentator and daughter of Professor Aleksandr Dugin. The interview was made originlly bilingual (italian and russian), in order to be diffused also to the Russian-speaking public.


Russian Operation in Ukraine: Friends and Enemies, the Battle for the Rimland

Russian Operation in Ukraine: Friends and Enemies, the Battle for the Rimland

06.03.2022 - The events of the last few weeks have highlighted the axes of new geopolitical alliances and completely rebuilt the geopolitical map of the world. Thus, the space of Europe, located between the pole of Eurasia and that of the USA (the civilization of the sea) and forming part of a large area, which in geopolitics is called "Rimland" ("land of the arc") it has finally lost its sovereignty (and even before, largely virtual, rather potential than real) and orientation towards continentalism. All of Europe today is Atlanticist.

The Catastrophe of Platonism (Idea and Representation)

Here we can draw a parallel with the biblical subject of the appearance of the snake in the earthly paradise. It would seem that heaven, Adam, and Eve abide in bliss and abundance; but even in this beautiful and fresh world, forces of coming misfortunes already make themselves known. And even before then, even at the dawn of Creation, when order is first being created and all creatures are close to God, the first of the Angels, of the entities of light, of the ministering spirits, rebels and is overthrown into the abyss with his supporters. From this abyss he later percolates into the earthly paradise. And at the end of times his power will be extended over the world, over the cosmos. But the devil, evil, the presage of the end, appears already in the first pages of the sacred history of the World. In a cloudless, happy heaven his supple body twines around the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil and tempts Eve to try the fruits. Likewise, within the first Beginning, in the situation of the highest tension of spiritual forces and the "heavenly" primordial philosophizing, the great pre-Socratic jump, when philosophy, becoming ontology, still hesitates in indecision [over] how to interpret the being of beings, the end is already drawing near. This "first end" is an end within the first Beginning. Heidegger never regarded this end disdainfully, lightly, arrogantly, contemptuously. He honoured it and was delighted by it, because it was indeed something great. Even in error and delusion there is sometimes scale and scope worthy of veneration.

The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset

Alexander Dugin’s The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset is an open declaration of war against the twin diseases of liberalism and Western political modernity. Dugin calls upon the inhabitants of the Heartland to relentlessly attack, on all theoretical and practical fronts, the global elites of the coastlands, who try to impose their perverse, anti-human ideals by ruthlessly eradicating the long-standing cultures and traditions of all peoples in the world.


The Theory of a Multipolar World

Alexander Dugin’s The Theory of a Multipolar World is a cheerful and optimistic view of a future in which humanity will reach its highest development. However, it will not be the uniform humanity pictured by the globalizing and leveling schemers and manipulators. Instead, old artificial borders will be dissolved and new natural divisions installed. Mankind will blossom in its manifold manifestations, namely the distinct civilizations and the ethnoses that breathe their souls into them. Drawing from a variety of philosophies from both the Right and Left, Dugin maps out the immediate goals and ultimate vision of this theory, and what is required to implement it.

Liberalism 2.0

Liberals 1.0 should take note of the fact that the Fourth Political Theory identifies as its main ideological enemy that reality which is today the manifestation of what they hate and by which they are suffering. Trumpism and generally human individualistic liberalism are now under attack. In the eyes of Sorosites and Bidenites, they are almost identical to National-Bolshevists and so on. They make no distinction. To be an enemy of the Open Society is the final sentence. You cannot change this. So, it is high time to take note of the fact that liberals 1.0 are no longer respectable citizens of the capitalist status quo. Liberals 1.0 are now being sent into exile, into the political ghetto – to us. Because the Fourth Political Theory calls for revising the whole course of political Modernity, it is not necessary to become friendly to communism or nationalism in this ghetto. This is not about National-Bolshevism. The Fourth Political Theory is about the final battle for humanity against liberalism 2.0 - exactly what you think of. From the very beginning it was a kind of compromise to include “nationalism” in the revolt against the modern world. Evola well explained the reasons and limits of that. It was no lesser - and maybe far greater - of a compromise to include the anti-liberal left, i.e., socialists and communists, if they were sincerely counter-hegemonically oriented. We can now take one step more: let liberals 1.0 join ranks. To do this it is not necessary to become illiberal, philo-communist, or fiercely nationalist. Nothing of the sort. Everybody can keep their good old prejudices as long as they wish. The Fourth Political Theory is a unique position where true liberty is welcome. The liberty to fight for social justice, the liberty to be a patriot, and the liberty to defend the State, the Church, the people, family, and the liberty to stay human and the liberty to become something else. Liberty is not on their side anymore. Liberalism 2.0 is the enemy of any liberty. So, let us not lose this value. It is a most great value, because it is the essence of the human soul and human heart. Liberty opens us up to the way to God, to sacrality, and to love. 

Global Resistance has become a necessity: A Eurasianist perspective

This is why; we Eurasianists are in open rebellion against the so-called Great Reset because we believe that it is time for the Great Awakening as Philosopher Alexandr Dugin said. The liberal order is under severe crisis in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, the fact cannot be denied that the sudden upsurge of the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragile socio-political and economic models of the liberal world order. Consequently, under the guise of the ongoing Pandemic, the liberal pundits such as Klaus Schwab (COVID-19: The Great Reset) and George Soros (Open Society) are attempting to hide the failure and crisis of the liberal world order. As Klaus Schwab in his propaganda pamphlet "About COVID-19: The Great Reset" ambiguously claims that "COVID-19 is not going to end anytime soon; hence we must learn to live with it". This clearly illustrates that the corporate liberal pundits are trying to design a new grand reset strategy to save the liberal world order. Unfortunately, this time; it won't be successful because the ordinary masses are well aware about the superficiality of the liberal modernity and its cherished ideologies.
