Speech by Alexander Dugin at the European Conference on Multipolarity

Speech by Alexander Dugin at the European Conference on Multipolarity

We are witnessing now very important term, very important shift, paradigma’s shift - the global balance of powers, and I think, that the last meeting of BRICS countries with acceptance of new members it is a point of no return, it is something really historic, because what we see now in a world with this new structure of BRICS.

Moya Semya interviews Alexander Dugin

Moya Semya interviews Alexander Dugin

'A true intellectual, a man for whom his thoughts are more important than his physical existence': this is how they write about the Russian thinker Aleksandr Dugin, the Western press calls the philosopher 'Putin's mentor', 'the brain of the Kremlin', 'the ideological foundation of the SMO'. To destroy him, terrorists blew up Dugin's daughter Daria a year ago. What did she die for and what ideas does Dugin himself support? Interview by Marina Hakimova-Gatzemeyer.



Some important aspects of postmodernity should be clarified. It is not a complete phenomenon, and although it was the postmodernists (in particular Derrida) who introduced the notion of 'deconstruction' (based, however, on Heidegger's notion of die Destruktion in Sein und Zeit), Postmodernity itself can be deconstructed, and not necessarily in the postmodern style.


The greatness of Juche, rogue states and greater humanity

The greatness of Juche, rogue states and greater humanity

Russia's rapprochement with the DPRK is a wonderful initiative. It was the meetings and negotiations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un, the hereditary head of the DPRK belonging to the sunny Kim dynasty, that caused a stir at the WEF. The West commented: stop this rapprochement at all costs, ban any movement of Russia and North Korea towards each other.


All-out war

All-out war

The UAV attack on Russian cities by the terrorist forces of the West (Ukraine is increasingly in the shadow of the war waged against us by NATO) was particularly intense tonight. The voices have finally fallen silent: how come? Who didn't keep watch? We should have watched better! Now everyone is beginning to wonder what to do next.


Global Liberalism in Crisis

Global Liberalism in Crisis

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 allowed liberalism to emerge as the undisputed, dominant global ideology. Over the past several years, however, the ideology’s future has come increasingly under question. Populist upheavals in the United States and Europe exposed growing discontent with the inability of liberal institutions to cope with foreign policy and economic failures. At the same time, new emerging powers such as Russia, China, and India among others have begun to put forth their own ideological alternatives.


A heptapolar world

A heptapolar world

What happened at the XV BRICS Summit in Johannesburg is truly historic. Even if the President of Russia, the founder of BRICS, did not take part in it, it is still a turning point in modern history. The world order is changing before our eyes. Let us parrot the meaning of the ongoing tectonic changes.

A sovereign economy does not need foreign trade

A sovereign economy does not need foreign trade

My (alas deceased) friend, great businessman and patriot, Mikhail Yuriev, once asked me a question: why is the ideal a zero foreign trade balance, i.e. the situation where the country sells as much as it buys (i.e. the volume of imports equals the volume of exports)? It turns out, he concluded, that the ideal would be to reduce foreign trade to zero, a very good point on which he built his curious book Fortress Russia. The main idea is: Russia should close itself off from the world and build an autonomous society based only on our traditional Russian values. If you want a perfect foreign trade balance, do it. That is a very productive way of thinking.


The Lady of Tradition

The Lady of Tradition

I thank you all from my heart all those who  commemorate the tragic day 20 august 2022 when my daughter Darya was brutally killed by Ukrainian terrorist woman. I thank all my friends and friends of Darya for Your condolences and sharing my deep sorrow. I also thank you for publishing the different books written by Dasha or dedicated to her memory.


Existential politics

Existential politics

In the history of 20th century philosophy and political science, everything associated with existentialism is opposed to politics. It is the existentialism of Sartre, Camus, leftist existentialism, which serves as a basis for criticising political structures and political systems, because it is a remote response to Heidegger.
