Dugin gazes upon modernity with the cold eyes of a wolf

In Dugin’s analysis, liberalism tends to self-abolition in nihilism, and is able to counteract this fate — if only temporarily — by defining itself against a concrete enemy. Without the war against illiberalism, liberalism reverts to being nothing at all, a free-floating negation without purpose. Therefore, the impending war on Russia is a requirement of liberalism’s intrinsic cultural process. It is a flight from nihilism, which is to say: the history of nihilism propels it.

The Pseudo-Religion of Oil and Gas

Amid ongoing attacks on Nord Stream 2 and the advancement of the green agenda, gas prices in Europe continue to break records. Now the cost of a thousand cubic meters of natural gas is already $ 1500. This means that it has risen in price by 5 times over the past two years. Analysts predict: and this is not the limit – in winter it can reach up to $ 2,000. At the same time, Europe is already requesting coal from Russia.

Youtube Must be Destroyed

Youtube excelled again. This time he demolished the Russian television channel Russia Today in Germany without warning. As soon as I gave comments on the elections to the Bundestag for this channel, Youtube immediately eliminated it. Coincidence? Yes, I think it’s a coincidence, but a very symbolic one. The same Youtube, more than a year ago, also deleted my philosophical channel, where there were mainly lectures about Aristotle, and the millionth channel of Constantinople. Youtube lost the trial with Constantinople, but no one is going to change the way we see our policy. And now it is Russia Today Deutschland.

Grand Duke's Wedding

The wedding in St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg of Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov shook our society. For a long time, I have not seen so much poison and rudeness against the descendant of the glorious family of Russian tsars. The impression is that the rage of the envious proletarian masses has flared up again. To them was added the malice of the liberals who hate everything Russian. That is,  two revolutions – 1917 and 1991 – merged in a common hatred of the Russian monarchy… Quite indicative. But the detached position of the authorities was completely incomprehensible. Such a restrained and cold reaction to the beautiful and sophisticated symbolic event – the return to Russia of a descendant of the Romanov family and the solemn wedding ceremony in the main cathedral of St. Petersburg – causes only bewilderment. This is a direct illustration of the conservative vector of Putin’s policy – the restoration of ties from the times of Russian history, sympathy for the conservative part of the European elite and the aristocracy – and after all, among the guests of the Grand Duke were representatives of almost all the royal houses of Europe, a careful attitude to the aesthetics of the reviving imperial capital .

The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset

Alexander Dugin’s The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset is an open declaration of war against the twin diseases of liberalism and Western political modernity. Dugin calls upon the inhabitants of the Heartland to relentlessly attack, on all theoretical and practical fronts, the global elites of the coastlands, who try to impose their perverse, anti-human ideals by ruthlessly eradicating the long-standing cultures and traditions of all peoples in the world.


Bernard Levi's Imperial Dreams: Time has approached to accept Multipolarity

Globalist philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy reports that in the coming weeks, the French President and his Italian counterpart will announce a “Quirinal Treaty,” which is said to be modeled on the Elysee Treaty, which defines the framework for Franco-German relations. It is not the first year that the pact between Italy and France has been talked about. However, now, according to the liberal philosopher, it is high time to conclude such an agreement .

The Problem of "Nothing" in Philosophy

This article is devoted to the most important philosophical problem – the problem of Nothing. At first glance, nothing is easier than nothing, but in fact, nothing is more complicated. When a person begins to think about being, including about his own being, about his life, he will sooner or later come across the topic of the border. Being is. But in order to truly appreciate it, it is necessary to correlate it with something. This is where Nothing comes in.

The Crisis of Science: Does Atom Exist?

What Husserl clearly understood and brilliantly explained, scientists themselves began to understand. So, for example, in quantum mechanics, the process itself depends on the position and even on the very presence of the observer. In Einstein’s theory of relativity, the structure of time also becomes relative, which also depends on where we place the subject on the timeline. And if we assume the processes occurring at a speed greater than the speed of light, then time – beyond the limit of Minkowski space – becomes reversible. Modern superstring theory associates measurement structures with the calibration of the world sheet and the spirits of Fadeev-Popov, which also refers specifically to the subject.

The Fate of the Sixth Column: When Will it End?

You’ve probably noticed that in Russia the campaign against the liberal fifth column is gradually gaining momentum. This is related to the consolidation of the status of foreign agents for a number of media outlets and individual figures. Increasingly, the authorities are resorting to a completely justified classification of a number of liberal and pro-Western groups that are actively acting in order to destabilize society as extremism. What for decades got away with Navalny, Roman Dobrokhotov and other radical anti-state figures are finally beginning to qualify properly. Like a crime. Working for the collapse of your country in the interests of the enemy powers is, of course, a crime. In all senses. And it must be followed by punishment.


Many people know the character Thomas Sankara or Muammar Kadhafi was, but few know the deep thoughts of these characters. Few people know the concept of Pan-Africanism (at least among non-African peoples). Yet it is a thought that has always been at the center of the African debate in every era, in every generation. We will try to understand together the origins of this ideal, its objectives and the problems that it has had to face in each era and continues to face. In this article, we will focus on the history of the Pan-African current, addressing its origins, the Afro-descendant resistance in the Americas, Garveyism, African independence, and then addressing the more political-contemporary part with the resistance movements in this XXI century, like NGO Urgences Panafricanistes of Kemi Seba, an organization that I coordinate in the African diaspora, precisely in Italy.

Mali: The Fate of Great Africa

September 22 is the Independence Day of the African state of Mali. In Antiquity, since the 13th century, a real African Empire was formed on the territory of this state. Its name comes from the Malinke people, which are part of the Mande group of West African tribes. Previously, this area was dominated by the power of the people of Ghana, but after its decline, the initiative passed to Mali. The founder of the Mali Empire is considered the legendary ruler of Sundyatta Keita, about whom the whole epic “Sundiata” was composed.

Geopolitics of Shia

With the panic that followed the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, it is clear that we live already in a multipolar world. The unquestionable unipolar leadership of the West belongs to the past. The emergence of multipolar order is already a fact. That is a high time to revise the main players – present and future, global and regional. In the transitional phase, many unthinkable things of yesterday, become possible. It is the beginning of a global emergency situation – Ernstfall/ Emergency (C.Schmitt). Old doors are closed, old roads exploded, old walls destroyed. It is a moment to think boldly and to act swiftly. The shape of establishing multipolarity depends on us; it will be exactly as we intend to shape it: the world of our making (N.Onuf).

The Coup in Guinea Recalled: Russia is Returning to Africa

Context of Africa’s return to the spotlight is the transition from a unipolar world to a multipolar one. During the unipolar moment that followed the collapse of the USSR, it seemed that only the United States and its junior partners were responsible for all the main events in the world. But at some point, this model stopped working, and after the shameful flight of Americans from Afghanistan after 20 years of senseless and brutal occupation and a costly and outright lost war with the Taliban, the United States with their current globalist leadership and president in dementia looks just pathetic. New players are gaining momentum and are rapidly taking their place in global geopolitics.

Google or Russia: The Choice Is Already Made

Let’s talk about Google. We are on the eve of a very important event. The claim of Constantinople against Google and the YouTube channel has every chance of becoming fateful. The Russian court recognized the full validity of the claim of Constantinople. And during this time the government issued a number of decrees directly ordering foreign services in their activities in Russia to obey Russian laws. Now the most interesting thing: if Google obeys, then its activities in Russia will be completely controlled by the state. This means not only the restoration of the account of Constantinople on Google with a million subscribers and compensation for damage. By the way, Google will have to restore my educational channel, as well as the accounts of Katekhon, Geopolitiki.ru, and all those resources that the globalists, having gone wild from their own impunity, demolished without any warning.

Ethnology and Ontology of the West African People

One of the branches of the Niger-Congolese family is the Mande people. Their languages ​​differ significantly in fundamental parameters from other Niger-Congolese languages, therefore linguists consider them to be the first to separate from the main trunk, along with the Ijo and Dagon languages. The differences between the Mande and the very structure of the Niger-Congolese family are so great that there are classifications that distinguish the Mande languages ​​into a separate families.

Philosophical conceptions of cultural space in Russia and Japan: comparing Nishida Κitaro - and Semen Frank

Contemporary discussions on the 'new world order', at the moment they ground their arguments on 'cultural' elements, on the other hand, can easily shift towards a Huntington-style cultural essentialism. Ιn Natίon and Narratίon Bhabha (1990) argues against this tendency to essentialize Third World countries into a homogenous identity. At the  moment,  a world  order  is  no  longer  established 'artificially', -that  is,  with  the help of valid polίtίcal ideas. Cultural components are called for in order to establish  an 'organic' order by creating coalitions between cultures in an almost 'natural' way. Such ideas accord with  historical ideas of  Nishida or of  Eurasianism  only as long as we take a superficial look. The present paper was supposed to show that these Japanese and Russian philosophies developed concepts of space through which cultural communities appear as more than merely organic, self-enclosed units. These philosophies constantly confront the contemporary reader with a paradoxical conceptual linking of openness and closedness, of self-awareness and awareness of the other, of reality and transcendence. Ιn this way, they manage to overcome both particularism and universalism.

The new postmodernism

In phenomenology, the Cartesian distinction between subject and matter is considered unnecessary (epoché in Husserl's term), which means that the subject experiencing the object is in fact experiencing the object as part of himself, and vice versa. Heidegger, as Husserl's student, developed this thesis, and introduced the now famous notion of Dasein [Being]. Being, whose existence, or ontology, precedes reality and imposes itself on everything, discovering its surroundings as elements (existentials in Heidegger's words) of itself. This approach revolutionized social science  in 'left wing' [Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze] - as well as 'right wing' cirles [Leo Strauss, Alain de Benoist, Guillaume Faye].

The Geopolitics of Russophobia: A Hybrid Warfare

This is the logic behind the current surge of Russophobia in the CIS countries. There is no doubt that there is friction. They have always existed, and in the era of the collapse of the USSR, they bore a character close to ethnic cleansing against the Russian population and the practice of genocide – on a large territory of the CIS countries. Today the scale is incomparably smaller. And because millions of Russians were forced to flee. And because it is completely unprofitable for the authorities of the CIS countries to draw additional attention to this. Of course, new countries are building their own national states, and language plays a key role in such cases. But even this can be solved gradually and gently. And when necessary, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan do just that.

Globalist Tianxia, Double Bind and Putin's unsolvable Dilemma

The ideological situation in Russia on the eve of the elections is becoming tenser and tenser. The election result does not matter. But the system itself begins to tremble not from impending risks but entering into resonance from the contradictions accumulated in itself. They are not reflected in elections, but in the system itself and in society – how. This

Fukuyama Admitted: The Unipolar World Has Collapsed

Francis Fukuyama recently wrote a fairly objective and balanced article about the end of American hegemony. Fukuyama in the early 90s was clearly in a hurry to declare the worldwide victory of liberalism and the end of history. He later corrected his position. In some personal conversations with him, I became convinced that he understands many world processes quite realistically and is able to admit mistakes in his forecasts – a rare feature among narcissistic political scientists who make mistakes every day and that only makes them even more arrogant.

The Fall Of Jerusalem

On August 10, 70 AD, a very important event took place for two world religions – Christianity and Judaism. On this day Roman legions of the emperor Titus broke into Jerusalem, which was defended by the Jews-Zealots who had raised against the Roman power. The Romans subjected the inhabitants to indescribable brutality repression, killing hundreds of thousands of people. They burned the city itself to the ground, and they destroyed the Second Temple, built by Zerubbabel after the return of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity, to the ground. The fall of the city was preceded by a terrible famine, which also claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and was accompanied by monstrous events, including cannibalism, which is colorfully described by the Jewish historian Josephus.
