Baron Ungern: God of War

Ungern gradually devised a desperate geopolitical plan to create a unique zone in Asia, or more precisely in Mongolia, free from both Bolshevik influence and the troops of the profane West. It would be a unique world in which the ancient laws of the Sacred Tradition would be in force. Ungern was familiar with the books of Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, and knew of the existence of the secret, underground country of Agarttha, where the laws of time are not in effect and where the King of the World, the Chakravarti, resides. Like the Knights Templar, who not only guarded European pilgrims from the Saracens, but also protected the great mysteries of spiritual knowledge from degenerate Catholicism and the secularizing French monarchy, Ungern aimed to create a special zone between the shrines of Tibet, where according to legend lies the entrance to Agarttha, and the rest of the world.


Landscapes of Mamleev are infernal, you might say. I would write better about something bright, about how all of us to be. Mamleev did not choose the world in which he was born. What he saw, and that was singing. He saw mostly horror. And not because Heidegger believed that only in a state of horror one realizes the fact of his being in the world, grasp of the structure of Dasein. Mamleev was not from philosophy to reality, but from reality to philosophy.Seeing the infernal around him, clearly and vividly aware of himself in hell, he just cried, squeezing a scream, hoarse, and it became in his mouth, art, philosophy, literature. Plato and Aristotle unanimously said that philosophy begins with wonder. Needless to say, Yuri Mamleev was really surprised, one might even say, unpleasantly surprised by the fact that he found around himself in the incarnation in the body. And kept it fresh feeling horrendous surprise until his death. He never got used to the world, despite the fact that he lived in it for a long time.To death it was something naive and childish.

Against Great Reset. Towards Political Culture of Great Awakening

The United States is the world's leading power. What happens there concerns all of humanity. The victory of Joe Biden and the "Great Reset" architects behind him means that the world has entered a new phase. The globalists are determined to see through what they have consistently failed to do over the past two decades. First 9/11, then Putin, then China under Xi Jinping, then Iran, then Turkey, then Trump. And if the failures continue, globalism risks finally collapsing. The "Great Reset" should come now or never.
And many liberalist-oriented elites in various countries — both in the West and in the East (including Russia, of course) – will be mobilized by globalism to take an active part in the "Great Reset" project. This means that both an external and an internal front is being opened against the supporters of multipolarity, sovereignty and a polycentric world order. And here start the external pressure from democratic Washington and the NATO under its control and the internal sabotage of the fifth column and liberal elites within the administrative structures of states.

Turan: The Key to Understanding the Russian Logos

Turan itself is a kind of paradigm. It is Indo-European nomadism, which most likely spread from the Southern Urals. I think that this is the most accurate hypothesis. Later this initiative of the Indo-European, patriarchal, androcratic societies was taken on by other peoples, such as the Huns, Turks, and Mongols. And it was then that the space of Turan was brought a very similar nomadic culture by other – non-Indo-European and post-Indo-European – ethnoi. If we put this all together, then we see a colossal picture of all Indo-European societies, their source model, and their differences, which are relative to degree of remoteness from the Indo-European homeland, which was the Turanian homeland. When the Indo-European peoples moved away from this homeland and mixed with more matriarchal, agricultural societies, they created a mixed type of culture. In the final analysis, Turan thus acquires an entirely different significance, another dimension. If we are not indifferent to our roots, then this Indo-European Turan, as the homeland of Indo-European cultures, is in my opinion an extremely important element for understanding ourselves, because our country is the territory of Turan.

Alexander Dugin’s Neo-Eurasianism and the Eurasian Union Project:

The day after Vladimir Putin announced the goal of establishing a Eurasian Union between the Russian Federation, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, an important article appeared in the Financial Times.[1] In that article, Charles Clover asserted that Putin’s announcement marked “the epitome” of the ambitions of “a small group of committed ‘Eurasianists,’” Alexander Dugin foremost among them. According to Clover, Dugin, head of the International Eurasianist Movement, even took credit for most of the content of Putin’s announcement at a conference at the University of Moscow the day the announcement came out, claiming to have helped in its preparation. [2] Before leaving the topic of Dugin’s influence on Putin’s Eurasian Union project, Clover recalls John Maynard Keynes’s acute remark that “madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.” In this paper, I argue that a comprehensive analysis of the proposed Eurasian Union and its underlying political theory must pay more attention to the recent writings of the “academic scribbler” Alexander Dugin, the leading theorist of Eurasianism.[3]

Order and Chaos: the pillars of sacred geography

Order and Chaos are fundamental structures and constitute a pivotal nexus of reality as a whole. These concepts can thus be understood as consistent poles of the basic dynamic that characterizes and produces life, movement and relation themselves: without the connection between Order (the fixed, constant коород, that ensures the ontological and epistemic stability of the Unus Mundus) and Chaos (the pre-formal energetic dimension from which everything derives and toward which everything comes back, in a dynamic, dialectical and polemological process)[1] nothing could be properly understood — and even before that, nothing could appear in the domain of visibility, in the reign of the “clearing”, the Lichtung, to adopt Heideggerian language (Di Somma, 2017; Chai, 2014). As can be seen, Order and Chaos have a significant religious, symbolic and metaphysical core, which originally connotes these concepts through their cosmogonical and theological origin which is later acquired, discussed and embodied within philosophical speculation.


The real struggle begins just now. The fear Democrats felt during peaceful protests on Capitol hill will be reminder for all of them. Seeing simple American people – dispossessed majority, silent and “deplorable” – coming to Congress – that was the moment of truth. And deputies have hidden themselves under banks... Real “deplorables” are these cowards. They grasped in this marvellous moment that they are no more safe anywhere. Welcome into our skin. From now on Democrats will be attacked worldwide. They should know: we observe them exactly as they do; we will follow them exactly as they do; we will gather information and create the dossiers on all Democrats, globalists and their puppets exactly as they do. From now on any connection with Democrats and their proxies will be considered as the fact of collaborationism and of participation in the crime against humanity. They killed thousands and hundreds of thousands outside of USA. But the evil doesn’t recognize the limits. It is always based on hybris. So they started to kill American themselves. Ashley Babbitt is just the beginning. They are planning the real genocide inside US this time. And that has already began.


We need to refresh his mission, to reestablish the real dimension of the Iranian Call (da‘wah) for universal Revolution. And that concerns everybody on the planet, every entity in the whole cosmic structure. It is a call for men, women, animals, plants, elements, for angels and demons. It is the call for the Great Zuhur,  and  we need to reopen this hidden dimension of the Iranian Revolution.

I consider that a sign of the Great Awakening – not only for Muslims - that was addressed to all of us. But each culture should find the proper way to translate this Call (da‘wah). It is not just about literal translation – to translate the Call (da‘wah) is not the same as to translate a text. We need to translate the Iranian Revolution as the Event (Ereignis) in Heideggerian sense. So, we have the Event but we still need its correct interpretation.

“Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit?”: A Philosophical Clearing with Alexander Dugin

The New Beginning requires a complete renovation of all the structures and disciplines of thought which have developed since the first one, even, as Heidegger pursued, what it means to Think.

This brings us to the third thesis, which is that, following both Heidegger and the Traditionalists, for the New Beginning we have much to learn from returning to the source, from before the End of the First Beginning to which Philosophy owes its course.

Philosophical conference “Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit?”

Dear colleagues! We are glad to invite thinkers from all over the world interested in phenomenology, Heidegger, Plato, Post-Modernism, traditionalism, structuralism, anthropology and related subjects as also all unindifferent followers to the philosophical conference “Wozu Philosophen in dürftiger Zeit”? (What are philosophers for in a destitute time?) which will take place on Saturday 19 December at 20:00 Moscow time in Zoom (see timing for different hour zones below).


In Search of the White Logos

When Daedalus after tragic ordeals at last found firm ground in Cumae, he built Apollo a temple. He hung up his wings as an offering to the god and decorated the golden doors of the temple with his personal story. Aeneas would later reach these doors, and his contemplation of this story served as preparation for his own encounter with Apollo and the founding of Rome. For Apollonian wisdom to be revealed in all its lucidity, it is necessary first to come to terms with the story leading to his temple. Plato needs a Timaeus before the Parmenides, Hegel a Phenomenology of Spirit before the Science of Logic. The major, eternal mysteries need the minor, temporal mysteries, as Apollo needs Dionysus.

Traditionalism as a Theory: Sophia, Plato and the Event

Traditionalism is something other than tradition. It is a breakthrough to that which is the tradition of traditions, the secret grain, the theory. But being a theory, a construct, it needs to be continuously recreated. A construct is not so bad if the matter at hand is something rooted in the light nature of man himself. By creating, man creates himself. Therefore, Traditionalism must either happen or disappear. Its claims are too enormous and its bar has been set too high by Guénon and the Sophiologists on whom he constructed his doctrine. “Perennialism” means that Sophia is Perennis: she is here and now. But how can we relate the fact of the Kali Yuga, our God-forsaken “now” and the dustbin of the modern Western-centric global world, our vile, desolate “here”, with the rays of the Angel-Initiator, the light of Great Love, and the nature of man as a winged divine being? The Gnostics offered a dualist answer which often seems to be the only one acceptable and applicable to us. But is this not simply a recognition of our own weakness, of our own personal inability to transform the “Cover” into the “Mirror”, Absence into Presence, apophany into epiphany, and occultation into revelation? Is this not the signature on the warrant for the death of the Logos, the insuperability of Western nihilism, or the recognition of the closed, self-referential world to be the only possible and real?


Women will love the Empire and cherish it every morning in greeting the sun. Morality will change. The word “evil” will be excluded from the lexicon along with all bad expressions. Instead of them will be introduced the gradual concept of “less good.” A less good person stole a bun at the market. He deserves less love and less respect than the one who asked for a bun and was given one. With a gentle smile. Everyone will smile and laugh at funerals, for since this world is so beautiful, what about the next…And then death will be comprehended as a return to the eidos (επιστροφή).



Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, returned to the headlines in August, having been arrested on a yacht and charged with defrauding donors to a private campaign to build a wall along the US-Mexico border. Of the $25m collected by the We Build the Wall organisation, Bannon and three partners are accused of diverting more than $1m for personal expenses. At a preliminary hearing, Bannon’s attorney entered a not guilty plea on his behalf. Bannon is often characterised as a “nationalist” and a “populist”, but few realise that he is also affiliated with a much more obscure movement – one stranger and more radical than right-wing populism, and one whose cause is greater than that of a single election, greater, in fact, than politics.

The Battle for the Cosmos in Eurasianist Philosophy

The Eurasianists were never materialists. On this point they found themselves in opposition to the main trends of modern science. At the same time, however, for them it was of importance to not simply affirm the priority of eternal elements and principles – hence the main Eurasianist thesis on ideocracy, the ruling-idea, the rule of ideas – but to insist that the whole world and all of reality, from politics to economics and from religion to science, be permeated with ideas. Petr Savitsky insisted on the concept of “place-development” or “topogenesis” (mestorazvitie). “Place-development” is the conjunction of physical space and the continuity of historical meanings, semantics, and events. Territory is inextricably linked with history, and history, in turn, is a continuity of ideas revealing a single image of monumental eternity that unfolds through humanity and over its spiritual path through time.

